Text by Cesar Garcia, Naima J. Keith, Franklin Sirmans, Brenna Youngblood.
Brenna Youngblood: The Mathematics of Individual Achievement traces the artist’s investigations with photography, collage, painting and sculpture while introducing her more recent approaches to installation. Inspired by one of the artist’s schoolbooks, this monograph is organized as a series of distinct lessons that provide much belated critical context for Youngblood’s expansive oeuvre.
Cesar Garcia is Founding Director and Chief Curator of The Mistake Room. Naima J. Keith is Assistant Curator at the Studio Museum in Harlem. Franklin Sirmans is the Terri and Michael Smooke Department Head and Curator of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
Published by MISPRINT Press, 2013
Format: Hardcover, 8.75 x 7.5 inches / 86 pages / 42 color images
ISBN: 9780988815704