Text by Jane H. Carpenter. Foreword by David C. Driskell.
One of America's most important assemblage artists, Betye Saar makes visual magic from such ingredients as gloves, old photographs and wallpaper, and scraps of ribbon and lace. She draws her imagery from the social and political movements, spiritual systems, and visual cultures around her, blending black aesthetics, feminist art, African art, and Latino art with modern and postmodern movements, popular culture, and personal memories. Her reinterpretations document and challenge our notions of family, race, gender, and faith. This book examines the phases of Saar's career and charts the themes that tie her oeuvre into a thoughtful and cohesive whole.
Published by Pomegranate Communications, 2003
Format: Hardcover, 11.5 x 8.8 inches / 116 pages / 70 color images
ISBN: 0764923498
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