Essay by Bridget R. Cooks. Foreword by Camille Mary Weiner.
Betye Saar’s preoccupation with language — its curiosity and chaos, the slippages of its formal presentation, its use and its absence — resists convention. It informs the mystical, the spiritual, and the familiar; paradoxically, this is none more evident than in her work not featuring text. A two-part survey, Black White and Blend address how color imparts meaning dependent on social context and determined by historical moment.
This catalogue accompanies Betye Saar’s exhibitions Black White (September 10 – December 17, 2016) and Blend (October 15 – December 17, 2016) at Roberts & Tilton, Culver City, California.
Published by Roberts & Tilton, Culver City, California, 2017
Format: Hardcover, 8.75 x 11.5 inches / 88 pages / 62 color images
ISBN: 9780991488971