Featuring historic images, text and archival materials, this publication accompanies the presentation, Betye Saar: L.A. Energy at Frieze Los Angeles, Roberts Projects Booth A12.
In July 1983, Betye Saar was commissioned to create a large-scale public art initiative for the City of Los Angeles. Titled L.A. Energy, the joyful mural incorporated several key motifs of Saar’s practice, including collaged elements and the interplay of varying hues to highlight a decidedly West Coast color palette. Located downtown on 5th Street between Grand Avenue and Flower Street, its location was highly visible due to immediate proximity to the former headquarters of the Southern California Edison Co.—known as One Bunker Hill—which reigned as the dominant structure at the base of Bunker Hill for decades. L.A. Energy was destroyed in 1987 to make way for new construction.
Published by Roberts Projects, 2022
Format: Hardcover, 6 x 9 inches / 48 pages / 27 color images / 4 b&w images
ISBN: 978-1-7336647-9-0