“In a remarkable body of prints, collages, assemblages, and sculpture, Betye Saar combines social commentary with spirituality, mysticism, and craft. Saar’s work and her indomitable spirit have been a beacon for many generations of artists,” said Elsa Longhauser, The Good Works Executive Director. Tribute presenter CCH Pounder added, “To observe Betye Saar is one of the great lessons in living an artful life.” Previous recipients include Henry Taylor (2018) and Carrie Mae Weems (2017). ICA LA is an epicenter of artistic experimentation and incubator of new ideas. Founded in 1984 as the Santa Monica Museum of Art (SMMoA) and reestablished in 2017 with a new identity and home in Downtown Los Angeles, ICA LA builds upon a distinguished history of bold curatorial vision and innovative programming to illuminate the important untold stories and emerging voices in contemporary art and culture. For additional information, please visit theicala.org