Freeflow is a group exhibition featuring new works by Noah Davis, Titus Kaphar, Barry McGee, Adam Pendleton, Ed Templeton, Kehinde Wiley, and Ai Yamaguchi. Noah Davis sources imagery from found photographs, art history and his own imagination, referencing and constructing his own personal history through psychologically driven paintings. Titus Kaphar creates socially and politically driven work that forces his viewer to address past and present issues of race, culture and society. Working on the streets of San Francisco and signing his works with the tag, "Twist," Barry McGee is considered to be one of the leading artistic figures in California youth subculture. He draws his force and inspiration from the contrast and tension that exists between the city center and the suburbs, between the wealthy districts and the slums. Adam Pendleton’s work plays with conventional notions of history and language, proceeding from the notion that thought does not always determine language: language can also determine thought. Perhaps no young contemporary artist today captures the insecurity, pain, fearlessness and innocence of youth better than Ed Templeton. His works tell the story of disaffected youth set against the picture perfect landscape of the tract housing and sub-divisions of this region. Kehinde Wiley’s portraits of African American men combine elements of modern culture with an Old Master’s influence. Wiley’s work incorporates a range of artistic vernaculars directly from art historical references to a looser, more hybridized concept of modern culture ranging from French Rococo to today’s urban streets. Introducing the American viewer to contemporary and traditional facets of Japanese culture, Ai Yamaguchi’s work cleverly blends traditional Japanese artistic media and cultural traditions with modern design and color aesthetic.